Unveiling the Secrets of Unlimited Storage in Starfield: A Comprehensive Guide

For every gaming enthusiast, managing inventory is a crucial part of the gaming experience. In Starfield, a game that has captured the imagination of millions, this aspect is no different. As players traverse through the vastness of space, they accumulate a multitude of items, some essential and others not so much. But where should you store these items? While some may opt for the cargo holds of their ships or outposts, these spaces might not suffice. The good news is that there are hidden spots in Starfield that offer unlimited storage, a treasure trove for every space explorer. This article navigates you through these hidden corners of the game, providing you with a comprehensive guide to managing your in-game inventory.

Every exciting journey in Starfield starts with the One Small Step mission, your gateway to unlimited storage. As you progress in the game, you will encounter the Lodge in New Atlantis, an important waypoint in your space odyssey. The Lodge is home to various members of Constellation, a group you will interact with frequently. One important character you will encounter here is Noel, who will guide you towards your own room within the Lodge. Following your conversation with Noel, you will find a safe within your room that can hold an unlimited number of items. This space is perfect for storing items that you may not need immediately, but could come in handy later.

However, the Lodge offers more than just a safe in your room. If you venture into the basement, you will find two storage boxes with no mass limit, a boon for players who need to store large quantities of items. To reach these boxes, head back to the Lodge's foyer, find the locked door under the stairs, and follow the path into the basement. Once you navigate through the room filled with workbenches, you will find two unlimited storage boxes; one on a table in the next room, and the other on a desk in the small bedroom to the left. The location of these boxes near the workbenches makes them even more convenient for players who frequently craft items.

But every rose has its thorn, and despite the convenience of these storage spaces, there is one major drawback. These unlimited storage containers in the Lodge are not linked to the workbenches. This means you will have to manually collect the resources from the containers every time you want to craft something. This is in contrast to resources stored in ship cargo holds and outposts, which are directly linked to the workbenches, making crafting a more seamless experience. So, while the Lodge may offer infinite storage, it's wise to keep your frequently used resources in your ship or outposts for easy access.

In conclusion, Starfield, with its expansive universe, offers a multitude of options for inventory management. The Lodge in New Atlantis emerges as a savior with its unlimited storage options. However, it's important to strategize and make smart decisions when it comes to storing your resources. As you navigate the cosmos, remember to keep your most used items within easy reach, preferably in your ship cargo holds or outposts. So go ahead, venture into the vastness of Starfield, explore, craft, and conquer, but never worry about running out of storage space again!

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